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I’m at an odd point in my life. 26, soon to be 27, with almost nothing to my name, and an endless amount of dreams left unfulfilled. I have found that the hardest part of achieving my goals has been determining what my goals truly are. I made the mistake of becoming a sort of social chameleon, shifting and adjusting to fit the social agenda at any given time or place. This has left me without a true understanding of who I am or what I want. I’d be lying if I said that doesn’t scare the living shit out of me. I’m on this internal quest to answer those questions, but the answers seem to hide ever so cleverly each and every time I start searching. The answers disguise themselves in the shape of pills, or fill countless bottles you won’t find in any dry counties. As if my personality ventured into the Bermuda triangle…never to be seen or heard from again. This is a solo mission that I hope turns out successfully. I’m certainly optimistic, but still carry doubt with each and every move. Time to take the plunge and risk it all. Here goes nothing…
